Friday, May 30, 2008

4/30/08 Field Trip to NOAA & Roots and Shoots

Our homeschool group set up a fieldtrip to the Nat'l Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration.. and it happened to be just 5 minutes drive from our house in Boulder. Funny cause NOAA was an endorser of Steve's company Ecozone Media so I knew a bit about what they did. We learned about how they monitor weather, here on Earth and in space, they call NASA everyday to let them know about storms in space. They basically monitor & keep records of the earth, oceans, weather, how it changes, pretty fascinating.. they played a fun game with the kids to learn some of the differences between the North & South Poles, I did not know any of the answers. So much to learn, that's the fun of homeschooling.. we are doing it together.. did I mention I liked the field trip a lot more than the kids did.

We have also started participating in the Roots & Shoots Nature Club, this month we did AIR... they kids wrote poems and illustrated them about air, what they think about it.. Reese got to design the cover of the groups poem book.. poems and pictures to follow... we made pinwheels and talked about air quality and stuff..
I love that we get to do some group stuff, a bit of learning followed by an afternoon of running and playing ... and i love the stuff we do on our own too. We've been playing chess most everyday, reading some books, doing some math, Reese has mostly mastered division now, after just 4 or 5 days of practice. I love that learning can be fun and a natural part of life..
ok i am feeling very grateful and happy about homeschooling and life in general right now..

4/08 Reese is playing for the Twins..

It's been our best organized sports experience ever.. Reese signed up for baseball in the rookie league, it's for mostly 7&8 yr olds, it's coach pitched, no strikeouts and it's been a blast! Great kids, awesome parents, so much fun, sheer joy of playing baseball.. Every kid has really improved in the last 9 weeks and Reese has not complained a bit about practicing and that's a first. Steve has been one of the coaches which is great and i've even helped out at games, mostly by cheering and yelling RUN!

The team mentality is really a valuable lesson in life, encouragement, not always having to be first, etc.. to be part of something really fun, to work together, i love watching the boys play.

Have I mentioned how much I love to watch my kids play.. actually most kids.. but mine in particular. I learn so much from them, mostly the value of play, it is so natural for them and sometimes so difficult for me.. Yes, i suffer often from seriousitis.. I have cronic grown up perspective.. but never fear i am receiving treatment.. it's called raising children.. they are reintroducing me to my child like sense of discovery and wonder, they remind me daily not to take myself too seriously just by being their happy go lucky selves. I am trying not to infect them with this sometimes flaring virus of being a non playful grown up. Some of the warning signs for me are... caring more about having a clean house than enjoying each other, forgetting how vital laughter is to my daily life, "thinking" I need to teach them something as opposed to sharing, enjoying and loving, nagging and that bitchy mommy tone of seriousness. So I vow today to relax and enjoy them more, play more, share and listen more, have high level connections, in short.. to just be the love that I am all day long.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

4/25/08 Four Mile Historic Park Field Trip

Built in 1859, located in downtown denver is a park that lets you relive the pioneer experience. Our homeschool group was transported to the frontier days.. when children actually did chores! We had them beating rugs, sweeping, feeding chickens, getting water from the well, washing clothes on a washboard and churning butter and they had a blast, much more fun than cleaning your room or putting away your toys.. we did get to play with with some of their toys.. wooden toys.. mostly ring toss games and walking on stilts. that was fun. We also panned for gold in the creek nearby.. and like most of the pioneers we found fools gold.. but what fun finding it..

The highlight of the day however was playing in the creek after the tour was over.. the kids built entire cities in mud and sticks, conquered territories, fought battles and melded and divided forces over and over.. just like in real life.. I love to watch kids play for hours and hours with things they find in nature.. it is so satisfying to be reminded how little we actually need.. and how easy it is to forget this and get back in the "I need more".. mode..

ok.. remembering now.. we don't need much.. it is in fact true that less is more.. to be content with what you have is such bliss..

4/08 Easter the best Holiday..

Yes, we celebrated Easter for at least 2 weeks.. we must have hid eggs at least 30 times, just for the sheer fun of finding them.
We dyed & decorated, we drew Easter pictures and ate lots of chocolate. On Easter Sunday Mommy Martha cooked for us and got big baskets for the kids and yes.. we hunted eggs again... for hours actually.. the meal was lovely and the company even better.. if you are going to move away from your family you have to make sure to have a Martha there in your new town so you always have a family home to come to.. after Easter we visited the dentist and both kids had so many cavities... so now we are sworn off sugar.. forever.. Luc is asking 50 times a day.. does this give you cavities? if i say yes, he won't eat it.. he does not want to go to the dentist.