Once a month we get with a group and play games galore... Spoons, Settlers of Catan, Munchkins, Apples to Apples, Pokemon, different ones each time... today Luc learned to play Clue Jr, so much fun.. and Reese bought his first D&D set complete with characters and played Dungeon Master for the group. We usually have 25 or so kids of all ages learning and playing and since we are at a game store.. we shop a bit too. We also play Go (incredible strategy game) at the library every Sunday, both of the boys are playing now, and Reese is also back enjoying Chess club. I definately see games as one of the best natural "learning" venues especially for those who want to play all the time.
The game Reese is very into now is Runescape, an online adventure game, where they hunt, cook, trade, battle, sell and barter, work together and extraordinary. It's facinating to watch his passions soar and to follow and track how resourceful he is and how his mind works. Luc has his own Club Penguin account now and at 5 he is so confident and such a bundle of joy in everything he does.