Tuesday, September 23, 2008

8/29-9/7 Burning Man "The American Dream"

We were not virgins this year, we were experienced Burners, we arrived again in the middle of the night, Black Rock Desert here we come. We stayed in Kidsville again, a village of 130 families or so and this year we were very excited that my best friend Alexis was camping with us and bringing her kids. The best news of all was that we were right next to Camp Nectar, yoga every morning at 9 under the big parachute kept me very happy. I did venture out to another camp that had Kundalini one morning, but the teachers at Nectar mostly San Francisco yogis were the bomb! I also got a Thai massage and took a partner Thai massage workshop, lucky me, my partner was a physical therapist from San Diego who uses Thai massage in his practice everyday! He could have taught the class, I learned a lot from him. Camp Nectar hosted an Erotic Tantric Touch workshop for couples that Steve and I checked out, very cool. We survived 2 all day gnarly dust storms, the dust was an inch high everywhere in the motorhome, all part of the complete Burning Man adventure. The boys had a blast playing with the 50 or so kids their age in Kidsville, the trampolines, the mini thunderdome battles, water fights, loads of fun. We hooped, we danced, we explored the playa and watched all the beautiful people express themselves though art, dress, music, fire, it was delicious to all the senses.
One of our neighboors that it would be so fun to blast Eye of the Tiger every morning at 6:30am and wake everyone with a one mile radius up, it was harder to appreciate that expression. I really ventured out and attending loads of fun workshops this year; Opening to the Goddess, Feminine Submission, Eye gazing, Sensual massage, Resistance Play (I got to wrestle with several girls in this one, so much fun!) and a few too spicy to mention here..
Our conclusion was that Burning Man is not optional, we need it, it offers something nothing else does, it is a stripping away of conditioning like nothing else, it frees you, opens you, exposes you, and if you can endure that stripping away.. you discover underneath it all... YOU

1 comment:

Michelle said...

LOL! OMG, Can I just tell you how much I LOVE that you follow up the WifeSwap invite comment with this post!! You are waaaay too hot for primetime! Love ya!