The Redwoods are pretty unique, average age 800-1500 years, some as old as 2000-2500 years old, as high as 380 feet high, and there are millions of them, they stretch from Big Sur to the Oregon coast. These are called Ancient Forests because they have not been logged and you feel something very special walking throug a Redwood Grove. We walked through 10 or so, dense, dark quiet, staring up at the sky made me feel part of life in a brand new way. I was almost near tears a few times, the
beauty and majesty is well undeniable, truly nature's cathedral.
The boys had a ball climbing on the trees, looking for lizards and running along the paths. We made wishes in the wishing well, went into a real tree house that the Indians used origionally and saw a tree so big that a car can drive through.
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