Friday, August 17, 2007

8/13/07 Clear Lake State Park

I love the state parks, we did a self guided nature
trail here and learned a lot about the Indian's who
lived here and how they lived off the land. They used
grinded acorns to make flour, they used bulbs to make glue,
hairbrushes (from fibers), and smashed them and threw
them in the river to stun fish and catch them easier.
The wood from trees was used for weapons, baskets,
and canoes.
It reminded me of the book 'My side of the mountain"
where a 15 year old boy learns to live in the wilderness
Reese and I loved that book.

There is tons of Cottonwood trees here, some of them
are just covered in thick cobweb type fiber. It looks
like a spooky scene from Harry Potter. I had never seen
it before and had to ask the ranger, what is that stuff in
the trees?? Like Reese telling me.. mommy there is
a motorhome driving on the lake! when he saw his first

Luc was in heaven here, he met a 13 year old girl and her
8 year old brother who took turns playing with him and
swimming with him in the lake, he could not have
ordered up better entertainment. Mommy continues to
be absorbed in the book, it is really good!

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