Friday, May 30, 2008

4/08 Reese is playing for the Twins..

It's been our best organized sports experience ever.. Reese signed up for baseball in the rookie league, it's for mostly 7&8 yr olds, it's coach pitched, no strikeouts and it's been a blast! Great kids, awesome parents, so much fun, sheer joy of playing baseball.. Every kid has really improved in the last 9 weeks and Reese has not complained a bit about practicing and that's a first. Steve has been one of the coaches which is great and i've even helped out at games, mostly by cheering and yelling RUN!

The team mentality is really a valuable lesson in life, encouragement, not always having to be first, etc.. to be part of something really fun, to work together, i love watching the boys play.

Have I mentioned how much I love to watch my kids play.. actually most kids.. but mine in particular. I learn so much from them, mostly the value of play, it is so natural for them and sometimes so difficult for me.. Yes, i suffer often from seriousitis.. I have cronic grown up perspective.. but never fear i am receiving treatment.. it's called raising children.. they are reintroducing me to my child like sense of discovery and wonder, they remind me daily not to take myself too seriously just by being their happy go lucky selves. I am trying not to infect them with this sometimes flaring virus of being a non playful grown up. Some of the warning signs for me are... caring more about having a clean house than enjoying each other, forgetting how vital laughter is to my daily life, "thinking" I need to teach them something as opposed to sharing, enjoying and loving, nagging and that bitchy mommy tone of seriousness. So I vow today to relax and enjoy them more, play more, share and listen more, have high level connections, in short.. to just be the love that I am all day long.

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