Friday, May 30, 2008

4/30/08 Field Trip to NOAA & Roots and Shoots

Our homeschool group set up a fieldtrip to the Nat'l Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration.. and it happened to be just 5 minutes drive from our house in Boulder. Funny cause NOAA was an endorser of Steve's company Ecozone Media so I knew a bit about what they did. We learned about how they monitor weather, here on Earth and in space, they call NASA everyday to let them know about storms in space. They basically monitor & keep records of the earth, oceans, weather, how it changes, pretty fascinating.. they played a fun game with the kids to learn some of the differences between the North & South Poles, I did not know any of the answers. So much to learn, that's the fun of homeschooling.. we are doing it together.. did I mention I liked the field trip a lot more than the kids did.

We have also started participating in the Roots & Shoots Nature Club, this month we did AIR... they kids wrote poems and illustrated them about air, what they think about it.. Reese got to design the cover of the groups poem book.. poems and pictures to follow... we made pinwheels and talked about air quality and stuff..
I love that we get to do some group stuff, a bit of learning followed by an afternoon of running and playing ... and i love the stuff we do on our own too. We've been playing chess most everyday, reading some books, doing some math, Reese has mostly mastered division now, after just 4 or 5 days of practice. I love that learning can be fun and a natural part of life..
ok i am feeling very grateful and happy about homeschooling and life in general right now..

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