Thursday, July 31, 2008

7/14/08 Back to Colorado..

My last 5 days in Hermosa Beach, I was alone.. well not really, but Steve & the boys flew back to Colorado, so I was kind of alone.. This is new for me.. first my kids went to Yosemite with Lynne for 6 days, had a blast and that was the first time our kids have been away from both Steve & I for more than a night ever..

So now I had 5 whole days.. to do whatever.. I went to yoga everyday, went blading on the strand, went to meetings everyday, walked with friends, talked on the phone a lot.. I've been continuing to work with sponsee's in Colorado while gone and it has been so wonderful.. I have been so enjoying working the steps, doing Inquiry work (Byron Katie style), practicing directing awareness into the body, I am so loving what God is sending my way... who God is sending my way.. so much gratitude!

I spent my last day having lunch with my buddy Kevin in Hollywood, having dinner with cousin Dean talking about Life, the future, what it all means anyway?? Then I spent the evening with my sister MIndy, my mom and her hubby Bryan, telling them the whole story about how exactly Steve and I got back togetherr.. leaving nothing out.. My mommy gave me a great massage, I slept like a baby and I left Monday morning at 4am and arrived in Boulder by 8pm.

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