Tuesday, August 19, 2008

8/1/08 Beautiful Vail..

So we hit Copper Mountain, Breckenridge, what's next.. well Vail of course.. parking the RV downtown was a bit of a challenge so I headed a bit away from downtown (which we explored quite a bit a few years ago when we stayed there) and discovered the Ford Amphitheater, Park & Garden as well as a Nature Center of course with a creek running through it.. all of Colorado actually has a creek running through it. We spent the whole day playing at the park, exploring the awesome gardens complete with meditation pond and benches, and learning lots of cool animal facts at the Nature Center.
They were preparing for a ballet that night and I even got to watch a bit of the practice, very cool, I have not seen a ballet in probably 15 years so every little bit was quite a treat!

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