Wednesday, August 20, 2008

8/2/08 Major Hot Springs pool in Glenwood Springs..

We were ready to soak and swim, it's hot here, over 100 degrees every day, no AC, beautiful scenery but hot..
we are pretty much looking to swim everyday.. or spend the day indoors doing something fun. In Glenwood it's
the hot springs.. Pricey but very fun, all day we soaked, rode the big slides, swam in the biggest pool I think
in the world.. the boys made friends of course and I oohh'd & aahh'd at all the cute babies and little kids. We
all had a blast.
We also had a nice visit with a brother & sister who we met in the am, they were selling jewelry on the corner
that they had made. It was dead bugs in glue, made into necklaces & bracelets, very creative.. I had to stop
cause I could not read the sign they used to advertise cause it was so badly misspelled, so I helped them make
a new sign and we heard just how they caught the bugs and preserved them in the glue. Reese also showed
them some of the beaded jewelry he had made. We bought a bracelet of course and headed for the pools.
I also got to hit 2 AA meetings in Glenwood, very nice folks, so cool to hit meetings and meet folks in so many
different places..

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