Sunday, August 12, 2007

7/8/07 Nothing much coming out..


telling the story, waking up from the story, telling the story..

It seems sometimes that writing this blog is contrary to the
awareness that is more and more realizing what it is and
what it is not. There is less identification with this whole
story of this "me" who is doing this and that, less thinking,
less concern about most everything, less talking, less
efforting, less and less.

It starts out as this massive deconditioning, I'm not this role,
I'm not this career or this relationship, and then upon
further inquiry, I'm not. This me that i thought i was is not.
Yes, there is this body and this mind and this
personality but they are not "mine" they are an expression
of the one life, existence, spirit, God, reality.

When this awareness is very clear suddenly the interest in
writing stories seems to wane, either that or maybe it's
just about being 100 pages into book 7 in the Harry
Potter series.

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