Wednesday, August 22, 2007

8/18/07 Homeschooling Heaven

The schedule for kids was amazing, huge game activities, art deck,
drawing, painting, blocks, legos, waterplay, play doh, jewelry making,
mask making and on and on and on.. lots of family activities too, a
wonderful traveling family the Goza's put on an incredible show of
comedy, panamime, folk stories and fun!
Friday night they had a Fire and Flow Arts exhibition, lots of poi and
flow wands, of course a bunch of Burning Man folks put on a great
show and we will get to see them on the playa. Nothing like spinning
fire to get a group of kids attention. Reese and i bought a flow wand and
we are practicing (of course the had an instruction class the next day) for
the next talent show.
Another highlight of our weekend was that we got to see Marcella our
babysitter from Redondo who moved up to Sacramento last year, we
called her thurs on the way and asked if she'd like to spend the
weekend with us and so she did. My boys were so happy to see her
and we had a blast playing with her all weekend.
I really enjoyed listening to Sandra Dodd speak and also they had a
group meet to talk about traveling homeschoolers and I really enjoyed
the stories everyone had to share.
There is a website and they also have a
yahoo chat group for folks doing it right now so they can make connections
with others along the way.

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