Wednesday, August 22, 2007

8/16/07 Happy Birthday to Me!

41, what a great year so far, driving around Sebastopol we accidentially
drove down the wrong street looking for a park and pool and discovered
a whole street of the most awesome sculptures made out of junk, see article below.
i love stumbling on this type of stuff. Every
house on the street had one of these sculptures in the front yard.
As you approach Sebastopol on State 116 west, an hour's drive north of the
Golden Gate Bridge, look for the Fosters Freeze to your right: Perched on the
roof is a scarlet convertible driven by a guy accompanied by his red-haired
wife and a yapping dog. The car is the work of local artist Patrick Amiot, a
French Canadian who creates "urban folk art" from discarded junk. His
sculptures, from a dynamic 12-foot Batman to a 1930s pickup truck
with a cow in its bed, have become Sebastopol's most intriguing attractions.

The boys and i headed to Sacramento this afternoon driving through
Napa and Steve headed south to take care of some business, we
were very excited to attend the HSC Homeschool Conference at
the Radisson Hotel. They started out with a talent night so Reese
dazzled with his hooping and they ended with a big drum circle and
in closing they went around the circle and asked each child to say one
word, something they were greatful for or valued, most kids said
my family or happiness, Reese said "compassion", and i said to myself
It reminded me of 2 years ago, when Reese was 5 we had signed up
for a Spirituality for kids class at the Kabbalah Center in LA, they
had a candle lighting ceremony at closing and asked the kids to say
one word of gratitude of that they valued, my little 5 yr old baby got
up in front of the whole class and said "sobriety". I guess they really are
listening to what we say we value.

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